Make the Switch to Rechargeable Batteries

Posted on March 12, 2018

Single-use batteries have become a serious problem for our environment. If not disposed of correctly, they can corrode and contaminate surrounding soil and water.  Zero Waste Marin encourages residents to invest in rechargeable batteries: you’ll save money and help protect our community from exposure to toxic waste.

Rechargeable batteries are easy to purchase and can be found at local electronic stores as well as online. These batteries can be recharged approximately 100 times!

If you make the switch to rechargeable batteries, Zero Waste Marin wants to reward your commitment to the environment. The first 200 eligible Marin County residents who take the “Rechargeable Battery Pledge” will receive a rechargeable battery kit at no charge, including a charger and four AA rechargeable batteries. Pledge to make the switch by March 30, 2018.

Please remember that it is illegal to throw single-use household batteries in the trash or recycling bin. You can safely dispose of small quantities of batteries at many participating businesses throughout the county. For more information on rechargeable batteries and disposal locations, please visit the Bulb and Battery page.

Click HERE to download a copy of this newsletter.

Haga el Cambio a Baterías/Pilas Recargables

Las baterías/pilas de un solo uso se han convertido en un problema grave para nuestro medio ambiente. Si no son eliminadas correctamente, pueden corroerse y contaminar la tierra y el agua. Zero Waste Marin lo alienta a invertir en la compra de baterías/pilas recargables: ahorrará dinero y ayudará a proteger a nuestra comunidad de la exposición a desechos tóxicos.

Las baterías/pilas recargables son fáciles de comprar y se pueden encontrar en tiendas locales y en la internet. ¡Estas baterías/pilas pueden ser recargadas aproximadamente 100 veces!

Si usted hace el cambio a baterías/pilas recargables, Zero Waste Marin quiere recompensar su compromiso con el medio ambiente. Los primeros 200 residentes elegibles del Condado de Marin que tomen el “Compromiso de Batería/Pilas Recargables” recibirán un kit de baterías/pilas recargables gratis, que incluye un cargador y cuatro baterías/pilas recargables doble A.  Comprométase y haga el cambio antes del 30 de marzo de 2018.

Recuerde que es ilegal tirar a la basura o al contenedor de reciclaje las baterías/pilas domésticas de un solo uso. Usted puede deshacerse de pequeñas cantidades de pilas/baterías caseras en muchos sitios participantes en todo el condado. Para obtener más información sobre baterías/pilas recargables y ubicaciones de eliminación, visite la página Bulb and Battery en el sitio web Zero Waste Marin.

Simple and Green: DIY Spring Cleaning Ideas

Posted on February 26, 2018

It’s time for Spring cleaning! Follow these simple tips to make your own DIY cleaning supplies, donate unwanted items, and dispose of toxic products safely. For more alternative cleaning supply ideas and information, please visit our Less Toxic Alternatives page.

Cleaning Rags – Repurpose old T-shirts and towels to use as cleaning rags instead of purchasing single use paper towels.

Donations – If you are organizing and have unwanted items, please remember to donate usable textiles, clothing and shoes to local thrift stores. Visit our Textiles page for a list of free local resources.

General Household Cleaner – Mix 1 teaspoon of liquid soap, 1 teaspoon of borax or baking soda, a dash of lemon juice or white vinegar, and 1 quart of warm water.

Mildew and Mold Remover – Mix ½ cup of borax with 1 gallon of water and scrub with a nylon scouring pad.

Stainless Steel Cleaner – Clean surface with baking soda and a soft sponge, then rinse with a white vinegar and water solution.

Window Cleaner – Mix ¼ cup of white vinegar with 1 quart of warm water. Use a squeegee to wipe windows for best results.

Want to get rid of your toxic cleaning products? Drop off a variety of items, including bleach-based cleaners and detergents, at the Marin Household Hazardous Waste Facility that serves your community.

Zero Waste Marin works with cities and towns throughout Marin County to educate residents about reducing toxic waste.

Click HERE for a PDF copy of this newsletter.

Help Us Reduce Textile Waste

Posted on January 23, 2018

If your family members received new clothing or shoes over the holidays, then you might be thinking about cleaning out your closets to make room for these new items. Please keep textiles out of our local landfills by following these simple tips from Zero Waste Marin and our partners.

    • Are your clothes and shoes still in good shape? Bring them to a Goodwill, Salvation Army, or other local resale store. For a list of thrift stores in Marin County search for “clothing” in our Recycling Guide.
    • In a hurry? Simply drop your unwanted clothing and shoes into a nearby USAgain or Recycle for Change collection drop-box.,/li>
    • You could also make items available for free on, Facebook Marketplace, a local “Buy Nothing” group on Facebook, or Craigslist.
    • Remember, textiles and shoes are not accepted in your curbside recycling container.

    Zero Waste Marin works with cities and towns throughout Marin County to educate residents about waste prevention, reuse and repair. For more information on how you can manage your textiles, please visit our Textiles page.