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Additional Business Waste Laws

According to the CalReycle State of Recycling in California Report, businesses generated nearly half of the material that was disposed in landfills by California. Much of this material is recyclable, as the majority of California’s waste stream consists of organics, paper, and plastic. To reduce the greenhouse gas emissions attributed to landfills, California was one of the first in the nation to enact statewide policies to increase diversion of recyclable materials.

SB 1383 Short-Lived Climate Pollutants applies to all business; however, please review all regulations below as others may be applicable to your business.

If you have any questions, please contact us for more details and thank you for your compliance in helping Marin sustain our environment for generations to come.

Need help keeping track of waste laws and ordinances?

Check out our Business Compliance Checklist, which helps to provide an overview of the relevant waste laws and ordinances in effect across California and in Marin County. This document has a checklist format to help businesses check off the requirements to help ensure that they are in compliance.

The checklist is available in English and Spanish. If you would like to see it in an additional language, please email us at

SB 1383 Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP)

SB 1383, the Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy, aims to divert 75% of organics from landfill and recover 20% of edible food for human consumption by 2025. The regulation became effective on January 1, 2022, and apply to all businesses and residents in California.

The goal of SB 1383 is to reduce short-lived climate pollutant greenhouse gases, like methane, from entering the atmosphere by diverting organic material out of landfills.

For more details regarding this legislation, please refer to our SB 1383 Short-Lived Climate Pollutants page.

AB 827 Mandatory Front of House Organics and Recycling Containers

AB 827 went into effect on July 1, 2020 and requires limited-service restaurants to have recycle and compost organic recycling containers. This includes having clear and consistent signage available to all customers.

For more details regarding the requirements of AB 827, please refer to CalRecycle Frequently Asked Questions.

AB 332 Treated Wood

AB 332 restores the alternative management standards for treated wood waste. As a result, variances are no longer needed for disposal facilities, handlers, and generators of treated wood waste.

The statute language is found at the Department of Toxic Substances Control Treated Wood Waste.

AB 901 Recycling and Disposal Reporting Systems (RDRS)

On August 26, 2021, the Zero Waste Marin Board passed the ordinance #2021-01. This ordinance affects how collectors, processors (transfer stations), and disposal facility operators report the weight of solid waste collected from within each jurisdiction of origin (City or Town or Unincorporated Marin County) to the JPA. Entities shall report the required information on an annual basis no later than March 1 of the following year.

Refer to CalReycle Recycling and Disposal Reporting Systems for more information or download a copy of the Marin County Hazardous and Solid Waste Joint Powers Authority ordinance.

AB 341 Mandatory Commercial Recycling (MCR)

AB 341 was adopted into California Law in 2012 to capture additional recyclable materials from the commercial sector. It requires businesses, including schools, that generate four cubic yards or more of combined solid waste (landfill, recycle, and organic material) per week to subscribe to recycling service or self-haul to a recycling center. It also requires that multifamily complexes with five units or more subscribe to recycling service or self-haul to a recycling center.

The full text of AB 341 and FAQs can be found at CalReycle Mandatory Commercial Recycling.

AB 1826 Mandatory Commercial Organics (MORe)

AB 1826, the Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling Bill, became effective January 1, 2016. Though, as of September 2020, all covered businesses that generate more than 2 cubic yards of combined solid waste per week are required to subscribe to organics service. Every hauler in Marin offers commercial organics programs to support this regulation.

More information about the law including FAQs can be found at CalRecycle Commercial Organics.