Image @Emily Hagopian.

Local Task Force

The Local Task Force was formed in response to the 1989 California Integrated Waste Management Act (AB 939). It serves as an advisory board to the Marin County Hazardous and Solid Waste Management Joint Powers Authority (JPA).

This advisory group is comprised of representatives from waste haulers and facilities, Special Districts involved in waste, environmental groups, and members of the public with the goal of providing diverse viewpoints from across Marin County. Membership is volunteer-based and recruitments for open seats are posted on the Zero Waste Marin website. The Task Force specifically assists in the review of the JPA’s Integrated Waste Management Plan for all areas of Marin County to help the County reach its zero waste goals.

The Local Task Force currently meets every other month on the first Thursday of month from 10am-11am at 1600 Los Gamos Drive, Suite 210 in San Rafael. These meetings occur in-person only. For the most updated schedule of upcoming meetings and to view past agendas and minutes, visit the Agendas & Minutes page

Haulers/Facility Operators
Bay Cities Refuse Greg Christie
Marin Sanitary Service Justin Wilcock
Redwood Landfill Ramin Khany


Environmental Organizations
Marin Conservation League Vicki Nichols
The Marine Mammal Center Adam Ratner
Public Members*
County of Marin (Unincorporated) Deirdre Fennessy
Novato Matt McCarron
Ross Valley Open – Recruiting
San Rafael Alice Cochran
Southern Marin Chuck Hornbrook

*Public members participation requires residence in associated represented region.

To attend a Local Task Force meeting please refer to the Agendas & Minutes page for more details.