Celebrate Earth Day on April 22

Earth Day is an annual, worldwide event that celebrates efforts to protect our environment. This Earth Day, choose one of the following eco-conscious activities to reduce waste and pollution here in Marin County.

  • Plant a tree. Trees produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and counter toxic byproducts of burning fossil fuels – all of which help improve air quality. Plant a tree in your own backyard with your family or friends or join local volunteer groups such as Marin County’s Dedication Tree Day at Lagoon Park, where you can plant a tree to commemorate a loved one and help restore habitats for local wildlife. You can also support organizations that aim to reverse deforestation, like the Canopy Project.
  • Switch to reusable. Instead of purchasing coffee in a paper cup with a plastic top, bring your own coffee cup.
  • Shop Local. Shop for groceries at local farmer’s markets. Not only is the food fresh, but it’s virtually free of packaging! Make smart decisions about what to purchase and be sure to eat what you buy to avoid wasting food.
  • Make a backyard compost pile. Composting reduces your carbon footprint and repurposes food waste. You can purchase a backyard compost bin from your local hardware store or build your own.
  • Recycle and compost every day. Every year, Americans generate more than 258 million tons of trash. Visit the Who is My Hauler page to learn more about the recycling and composting services offered in your city or town.
  • Have you heard about Clean Marin? This new public private partnership is designed to support and encourage all the efforts in Marin that keep it clean and healthy. Find volunteer opportunities and more information at cleanmarin.org.

Zero Waste Marin works with cities and towns throughout Marin County to educate residents about ways to reduce waste and improve the local environment.

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