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Go Green this Halloween!

Before getting dressed up to go trick-or-treating, Zero Waste Marin would like to encourage residents to be mindful of the environment during this year’s Halloween festivities. Follow these simple tips to prevent candy wrappers, leftover decorations and old costumes from ending up in our landfills.


  • Give your children reusable buckets, canvas bags, or even pillowcases to carry while trick-or-treating.
  • Purchase candy with minimal packaging, or treats packaged in recyclable paper, such as Dots, Nerds, or Milk Duds. These can go in your recycling cart after you’re done enjoying them.


  • Reuse or reinvent costumes from previous years or create a new costume from things you already own. Transform an old bed sheet into a ghost costume or a toga!
  • Browse thrift stores, such as Goodwill, for unique pieces and fresh costume ideas.
  • Old costumes in good condition can be donated to Goodwill — or to your friends or neighbors!
  • Businesses such as The North Face accept torn or stained textiles. Please visit our Textiles page for more details and resources on how to discard unwanted clothes and old costumes (be sure they are free of glue and paint).

Pumpkin Repurpose

  • If your jack-o-lantern hasn’t been out on the porch too long, cook your pumpkin into a tasty post-Halloween soup or pie!
  • Toast pumpkin seeds using this simple recipe for a healthy and delicious snack.
  • And remember, inedible pumpkin parts can be added to your home compost pile or green compost cart. Visit our Composting in Marin page for more information about the items that belong in your green cart.

Zero Waste Marin works with cities and towns throughout Marin County to educate residents about waste prevention, reuse, and repair. Click HERE to download a copy of this newsletter.