Zero Waste Marin Unveils Two Videos for Students

The Zero Waste Marin Schools Program has produced two videos with accompanying student activity sheets to help teachers introduce concepts of recycling and zero waste in engaging, Marin-specific ways: Recycling Is a Trip Dave the Recycling Fairy takes the audience on a virtual field trip to a local Marin waste hauler to inspire kids to […]
Drug Take-Back Month: Safe Disposal Saves Lives
April is Drug Take-Back Month. Now is the time to safely deposit unused and unwanted medications into one of 24 receptacles located around the county or take advantage of a mail-back option that is also available. The public health pandemic coupled with economic uncertainty due to job and business loss and other impacts have produced […]
Love Food, Not Waste During Stay-at-Home
The COVID-19 pandemic means stocking up on groceries and more meals at home. However, more food preparation at home could also mean more food waste! The Bay Area Recycling Outreach Coalition (BayROC) has responded to this with renewed promotion of their food waste prevention campaign. You may see these ads all over the Bay Area […]
Zero Waste Essentials During Shelter-at-Home
During this challenging time, moving toward zero waste may not be at the top of our to-do lists. The COVID-19 restrictions — such as reducing trips to the store, the ban on reusable bags and cups, and the closing of drop-off facilities — present multiple challenges to our usual waste reduction habits. But it is […]