Volunteer at the Zero Waste Week Clothing Swap!

Zero Waste Marin is excited to be participating in the 2024 North Bay Zero Waste Week from October 12th – 20th! Zero Waste Week was started by Zero Waste Sonoma as a way to bring more zero waste-focused events to the community. 

As part of Zero Waste Week, Zero Waste Marin is collaborating with Zero Waste Sonoma and the Northern California Recycling Association on the Rohnert Park Clothing Swap on Saturday, October 12th. We are looking for volunteers to help us set up, manage and organize donations, and break down the event. 

To learn more about the event, visit: https://northbayzerowasteweek.org/event/rohnert-park-clothing-swap/

To volunteer for a shift at the Clothing Swap: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DACAB2FA4F4C52-50517626-volunteer#/