Celebrate Earth Day on April 22

Posted on March 29, 2018

Earth Day is an annual, worldwide event that celebrates efforts to protect our environment. This Earth Day, choose one of the following eco-conscious activities to reduce waste and pollution here in Marin County.

  • Plant a tree. Trees produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and counter toxic byproducts of burning fossil fuels – all of which help improve air quality. Plant a tree in your own backyard with your family or friends or join local volunteer groups such as Marin County’s Dedication Tree Day at Lagoon Park, where you can plant a tree to commemorate a loved one and help restore habitats for local wildlife. You can also support organizations that aim to reverse deforestation, like the Canopy Project.
  • Switch to reusable. Instead of purchasing coffee in a paper cup with a plastic top, bring your own coffee cup.
  • Shop Local. Shop for groceries at local farmer’s markets. Not only is the food fresh, but it’s virtually free of packaging! Make smart decisions about what to purchase and be sure to eat what you buy to avoid wasting food.
  • Make a backyard compost pile. Composting reduces your carbon footprint and repurposes food waste. You can purchase a backyard compost bin from your local hardware store or build your own.
  • Recycle and compost every day. Every year, Americans generate more than 258 million tons of trash. Visit the Who is My Hauler page to learn more about the recycling and composting services offered in your city or town.
  • Have you heard about Clean Marin? This new public private partnership is designed to support and encourage all the efforts in Marin that keep it clean and healthy. Find volunteer opportunities and more information at cleanmarin.org.

Zero Waste Marin works with cities and towns throughout Marin County to educate residents about ways to reduce waste and improve the local environment.

Click HERE to download a PDF copy of this newsletter.

FREE Composting Workshop

Posted on March 19, 2018

Please join us Saturday, April 7th, 2018 from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm in Stinson Beach. This class is free for all Marin county residents. You will learn everything to know about composting at home, receive a free kitchen compost pail, and enter to win a free composting bin!

The class is located at the Stinson Beach Library, 3521 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach.

For more information and to register, please email Todd Sutton at todd@wastesleuth.com  or click here for more information – Stinson Beach workshop.

Make the Switch to Rechargeable Batteries

Posted on March 12, 2018

Single-use batteries have become a serious problem for our environment. If not disposed of correctly, they can corrode and contaminate surrounding soil and water.  Zero Waste Marin encourages residents to invest in rechargeable batteries: you’ll save money and help protect our community from exposure to toxic waste.

Rechargeable batteries are easy to purchase and can be found at local electronic stores as well as online. These batteries can be recharged approximately 100 times!

If you make the switch to rechargeable batteries, Zero Waste Marin wants to reward your commitment to the environment. The first 200 eligible Marin County residents who take the “Rechargeable Battery Pledge” will receive a rechargeable battery kit at no charge, including a charger and four AA rechargeable batteries. Pledge to make the switch by March 30, 2018.

Please remember that it is illegal to throw single-use household batteries in the trash or recycling bin. You can safely dispose of small quantities of batteries at many participating businesses throughout the county. For more information on rechargeable batteries and disposal locations, please visit the Bulb and Battery page.

Click HERE to download a copy of this newsletter.

Haga el Cambio a Baterías/Pilas Recargables

Las baterías/pilas de un solo uso se han convertido en un problema grave para nuestro medio ambiente. Si no son eliminadas correctamente, pueden corroerse y contaminar la tierra y el agua. Zero Waste Marin lo alienta a invertir en la compra de baterías/pilas recargables: ahorrará dinero y ayudará a proteger a nuestra comunidad de la exposición a desechos tóxicos.

Las baterías/pilas recargables son fáciles de comprar y se pueden encontrar en tiendas locales y en la internet. ¡Estas baterías/pilas pueden ser recargadas aproximadamente 100 veces!

Si usted hace el cambio a baterías/pilas recargables, Zero Waste Marin quiere recompensar su compromiso con el medio ambiente. Los primeros 200 residentes elegibles del Condado de Marin que tomen el “Compromiso de Batería/Pilas Recargables” recibirán un kit de baterías/pilas recargables gratis, que incluye un cargador y cuatro baterías/pilas recargables doble A.  Comprométase y haga el cambio antes del 30 de marzo de 2018.

Recuerde que es ilegal tirar a la basura o al contenedor de reciclaje las baterías/pilas domésticas de un solo uso. Usted puede deshacerse de pequeñas cantidades de pilas/baterías caseras en muchos sitios participantes en todo el condado. Para obtener más información sobre baterías/pilas recargables y ubicaciones de eliminación, visite la página Bulb and Battery en el sitio web Zero Waste Marin.